Saturday, November 21, 2009

Unforgettable Experience In MHT

Hello wazowski! :D

This time assignment is writing about unforgettable experience...
Well, there are soo many experiences I
can't forget since I was the part of this school.
But the most unforgettable one is... when I and my team making a mini movie.

That's an assignment Mrs. Desi gives us during the Ramadhan holiday. My team consist of Me, Dhata, Prika, Agis, Hana, Manda, Adam, Ubay, Fauzan, and Erza. And you know what? when it's about one week before the deadline, what has done is just THE SCRIPT. So there's just one week left to finish the whole shooting and editing. I barely can imagine how this assignment can be finished...

Okay, first I'll tell you about the story.
We named the movie Just Remember this
It's about a friendship between Manda, Adam, and Ubay.They are friends since they were in the kindergarten. When they accept their National exam results, they have to face the fact that they cannot be in the same school. Months passed, they already have their own business. And it seems like it's just Manda who cares about t
heir friendship. Manda didn't know that Ubay and Adam aren't the same like before. They (Adam and Ubay) hate each other now. Manda's so desperate and sad, what is more, Manda had Leukimia. The climax is when Adam and Ubay having a really big fight, Manda (in weak condition) try to stop them. Manda's condition was too weak, she even can't resist to walk, but she keeps forced her body to move and try to stop the fighting. Adam and Ubay shocked to see Manda's present (in her weak condition), Manda passed out and they're trying to get her to hospital. But it's too late, Manda passed away. And they feel so guilty that they cannot forgive themselves.

Yaps, that's the main story.
Now, lets go behind the scenes...
My duty is too shoot all the scenes a.k.a the camera person. But don't worry, I'm on the screen too, as the doctor ;p
Oh yea, I have a duty to select the videos which will used for the movie too, and since we were shooting until it's night. So I have to select the videos until it's early. I was really exhausted, I got influenza and cough. But it didn't matter, it was such a precious experience :)

First scene is where we show the audience that they are best friends since they were babies.
And it takes so much time to finish that bloody first scene T____T
Anyway, I really into the process. It was
really tiring I know, but fun!!
we're taking the scenes from the last bell rings until it's time to pray Maghrib.
AND thank God we're not the only one group that haven't finished the assignment yet, it's the whole school actually. Yes, we all haven't finished the assignment...
So we barely go back to the dorm, we even having our dinner at canteen. That was so unforgettable, wasn't it?

But it wasn't always fun, for god's sake it really tested my patience when we have to re-shoot the scene over again. it's my fault too, I know hehehe.
For the example is when we're taking the "accepting the national exam results" scene.
we start the shooting process at mmm
at four maybe, and we waste so much useless time 'till it's twilight.

Hmm, the most incredible feeling is when we finished the last scene. It was like, Oh my God, we're finish? is this it? no more shooting? no more sleepless night? (it wasn't sleepless at all, hyperbole ehehe) Gosh, that was so relieving! :D

Hmmm, the final is the editing process. It was Fauzan's main duty, but we tried to help.
by the way there was little problem whe
n Fauzan wants to burned the movie to DVD, actually I was so panic because the next day is the deadline. But thank God, the problem solved.

And we give the assignment on time :)

Oh, by the way this is my team:


Coldplay are my favourite music band.
Their genre is alternative rock.
This band formed in London in 1998.
The group consist of Chris Martin as the vocalist, keyboardist, and guitarist,
Johnny Buckland as the lead guitarist,
Guy Berryman on the bass guitar, and
Will Champion as the drummer, backing vocal. He plays the other instruments too.

They have made four albums,
they are Parachutes (1999-2001), A Rush of Blood to the Head (2001-2004), X&Y (2004-2006), and the newest is Viva la
Vida or Death and All His Friends (2006-present)

They become famous since the release of their single "Yellow" on the first album Parachutes.
They got many awards on their career,
They have won 43 awards and be nominate
d for about 117 times.

What makes me fall in love with this band,
first is their lyrics that is so beautiful and meaningful.
second, they're good in making songs.
third, I never bored to play their songs over
and over again.

My favourite album is the newest one, it is Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends.
It contains thirteen songs, and all of them are brilliant.
The one named "Viva la Vida" tell us about how is it like when you lose your happiness or when you passed successfulness time.
The other song is "Lost!" that tells you losing is not always the end of everything, and just because you're losing doesn't mean you didn't get what you deserve.
And my favourite song is "Strawberry Swing" with great music and lyrics, whenever I heard this song I always feel happier and "fulfilled" again :)

The most important thing is Coldplay always making their fans can't stop loving them.
They always have their own characteristic on their albums.
And that's what making us love them!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Dormitory Life

Howdy, everyone! It's me again.
This time I will tell you about my dormitory life. Mmm actually I have no idea what to tell you in this post, but as usual I'll try, so please enjoy ;)

Firstly, I will show you how my 109 room looks...


tadaaaaaa! don't be shocked, haha. Too messy isn't it? hahaha
hmm, my roommate is Selma, we are friends since we were in 8th grade.
Selma always wakes up first, and takes bath first. But sometimes I do too :p

If the picture doesn't explain much, and you want to know more... here's the detail

Selma's bed.

And this is my bed! yeah, I haven't make it up hehehe. And if you are curious to a cute little sheep that lies upon my bed, that's my Pino! :D I bring Pino to the dorm so I won't feel so bored.

Actually, it's a book shelf but I put it horizontally so we can have more space to keep our things here hehehe.

Well, that's my room. Next I want to tell you about my dorm life.

I wake up at 04.30 am to do Subuh pray in mosque, yeah it's a must to do it in mosque. There's exception if it's raining, because our mosque takes a quite long distance from the dorm. After having subuh pray we go back to the dorm and... sleep until six. Yeah, I know it's a shame, but seriously I can't resist it huhuhu.
At six, I wake up (again), take a bath, get dressed, and and prepare for school. We're having our breakfast at the dining room, then we go to school when we are finished.

7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 a clock!

Go back to the dorm! I usually spent my time (from 4 pm to 6 pm) by taking some rest. And at six the head of dormitory (I'm sorry but I don't know how to explain it)--we usually call her "Bunda"-- summons us going to the mosque for maghrib pray. We spent our time there until we finished doing Isya pray. Sometimes, if we have exam for the next day, we use our time there to study.

After having dinner I usually go to Dhata and Indira's room to study together, we spent most of our time by studying..... it's not like what you think but I think that's...... admittedly true T_T
We sometimes study until more than 12 pm! Maybe that's what makes us always feel sleepy at classes. If it's been too late to go to my room (downstair) I sometimes sleep over Dhata and Indira's room or in Echa's room. Hehehe, I'm too coward to go downstair alone.

Study is done, and the next simple but lovely thing to do is... holy yes it's SLEEPING!
After having such a day, sleeping would be the nicest activity to do. It's always the nicest activity actually haha I love sleeping! who doesn't?






no, no, its just Bunda, waking us up to do subuh pray by knocking on our doors. Hahaha, it must be very difficult to wake us up. We're just like bunches of meat that lies upon a bed and we actually live ;p

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Every weekend we go home at hmm 4 pm maybe, but before we go home we have to clean up our room. Me and Selma always get achy everytime we do the cleaning up thingy espescially for the bathroom, but after all we satisfy of our works! Our room looks so bright and ready for next tiring week hehehe

Hmm, that's all. Thing I want to tell you is that I miss my home and family so much.
I miss my parents, and my sister so much. And due to the fact that my sister is studying in Bandung so I can barely meet them :'(

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers

Saturday, November 7, 2009

About My School Life

Hmm, honestly... I'm not a good writer. But, I'll try hehe

Let's start from the very first. I even not expecting my self to be the part of this superb school, I don't have any idea of being here. But, yeah I'm here, in this extraordinarily amazing (or tiring maybe) school.

Now, I'm asking you, if you are a high school student, how many school days do you have in a week?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then you're freeee as a bird. Right?
Interest to know mine? I'll let you know!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and I'm free as a.... what? no, no, no!
Not yet!
oh holy yes, I still have Saturday to spent.

My class is X3, so let's take a look at our schedule:
1. Full Chemistry on Monday
2. Sociology, ICT, English, and History on Tuesday.
3. Full Biology on Wednesday.
4. Math and art class on Thursday.
5. Music class, English, ICT, and IMTAQ on Friday.
6. Full Physics on Saturday.

Monday is... FYI I never hate Monday before, I think it's what we call "automatically". It is like when you wake up in the morning, all you think is glass of milk and watching TV, but the fact is you have to wake up, take a bath, trying to be high-spirited, go to school, and spent almost a week there. Hhh, now back to Monday! let's see, it is chemistry on Monday. My chemistry teacher is Ms. Evi. She's a very strict teacher, we're not allowed to join her class if we're late even if it's just some seconds late. So every time the sirens ring (it is real siren, I cannot name it as a bell haha) we have to run to reach the class or she will close the door for us! But the point is, she just want us to be discipline and responsible, that's all.

Tuesday, Ah! I forgot to mentioned Jujitsu! yes, we're practicing Jujitsu every Tuesday and Friday. It is fun and yet tiring, Gosh the hardest part is stretching, I can't bend my back in those crazy way, I even can't touch my toes easily huhuhu Hmm, we have soft science on Tuesday, so we can relaxed a bit, a bit, yeah. Actually having four chapters for 1 test isn't a kind of "a bit relaxing" ehehe :p We learn Sociology with Mr. Rusman, ICT with Mr. Kamal, English with Mrs. Dessy, and History with Mrs. Nani. However, whatever the subject is we have to do our best, right? :)

Wednesday, Yeay! my favorite subject, Biology :) Oh ya, I haven't told you that we have two teachers in hard science subjects. One from the Surya Institute and the other is the additional teacher, as our guidance if we can't proceed the subject well. My Surya Institute Biology teacher is Mrs. Indri, she's so kind and very patient in teaching us. And our guidance Biology teacher is Mrs. Maya, she likes to give us some jokes so it won't be too tiring for us studying about the same subject in about.... 8 hours?

Thursday, oh yeah it's Math... frankly I want to tell you that I always get sleepy on this subject and I always feel guilty to my teacher Mr. Baskoro. He is Surya Institute's teacher, and my guidance teacher is Mr. Zainuddin, we usually call him Mr. Jay haha AHA I have a good news actually hihi first time since I was in this school... I GOT PERFECT SCORE ON MATH. Oh God, this is miracle. I got it on math logic, it's not too hard I know, but still... :D

Oh yeah everybody is singing Thank God It's Friday by RAN. Me? Of course I always thank God for new day, but not because tomorrow is a free day :(
*pause. Unimportant actually, but it is 1 in the morning hehe
hmm, I've told you about ICT and English before. So what I haven't told you is Music and IMTAQ. Our music teacher is Mr. Deden, he teaches us music very well, I love music, I love to sing, but the theory hmm maybe I need more time :p
Then there's IMTAQ, we have it on the end of Friday, our teacher is Mr. Rahman, he's kind of strict one, we sometimes scared of him but only if he's angry. He always teaching us to brace our faith and intelligent up, so we can be succeed on life and afterlife.

Weekend? Not yet!

Finally, the last day!
Saturday is so unexpectedly mmm boring? uhuhu I didn't mean to say that, but I accustomed to being free on Saturday, waking up late, and having a lazy morning on my bed. But now, Physics waiting! My Physics teacher is Mr. Budhy and Mr. Adri, they have the same teaching style, I guess. Both of them, want us to understand the concept first. And I believe that it will successfully work, I just need to learn more from my teachers.

Well, that's my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (school) Life!
How about yours? ;)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Meva Nareza has completed her "making blog" assignment.

Haaaai, gue bikin blog ini untuk memenuhi tugas dari Pak Kamal, guru TIK di SMANU MH Thamrin Jakarta.
Hmm, berantakan ya? aduh belom finish beneran sih, masih kurang puas.
Tapi berhubung di sekolah belom ada internet jadi harus diselesein di rumah u,u
Harusnya gua pake template langsung aja ya, nyari di google. Tapi pengennya yang bikin sendiri biar enak ngeliatnya hahaha.

Itu link-link di samping buat ke Twitter, Facebok, and my lovely official blog! (visit please)
Blog yang ini buat tugas aja, kalo mau nulis-nulis tetap setia sama yang lama :D
Udah ah, segini aja.

Makasih banyak-banyak sama Caesarianda yang udah mau nemenin sampe malem lewat MSN pas bikin blog ini. Hahaha, berasa karya besar -___-

Bye, Arrivederci!