Saturday, November 21, 2009

Unforgettable Experience In MHT

Hello wazowski! :D

This time assignment is writing about unforgettable experience...
Well, there are soo many experiences I
can't forget since I was the part of this school.
But the most unforgettable one is... when I and my team making a mini movie.

That's an assignment Mrs. Desi gives us during the Ramadhan holiday. My team consist of Me, Dhata, Prika, Agis, Hana, Manda, Adam, Ubay, Fauzan, and Erza. And you know what? when it's about one week before the deadline, what has done is just THE SCRIPT. So there's just one week left to finish the whole shooting and editing. I barely can imagine how this assignment can be finished...

Okay, first I'll tell you about the story.
We named the movie Just Remember this
It's about a friendship between Manda, Adam, and Ubay.They are friends since they were in the kindergarten. When they accept their National exam results, they have to face the fact that they cannot be in the same school. Months passed, they already have their own business. And it seems like it's just Manda who cares about t
heir friendship. Manda didn't know that Ubay and Adam aren't the same like before. They (Adam and Ubay) hate each other now. Manda's so desperate and sad, what is more, Manda had Leukimia. The climax is when Adam and Ubay having a really big fight, Manda (in weak condition) try to stop them. Manda's condition was too weak, she even can't resist to walk, but she keeps forced her body to move and try to stop the fighting. Adam and Ubay shocked to see Manda's present (in her weak condition), Manda passed out and they're trying to get her to hospital. But it's too late, Manda passed away. And they feel so guilty that they cannot forgive themselves.

Yaps, that's the main story.
Now, lets go behind the scenes...
My duty is too shoot all the scenes a.k.a the camera person. But don't worry, I'm on the screen too, as the doctor ;p
Oh yea, I have a duty to select the videos which will used for the movie too, and since we were shooting until it's night. So I have to select the videos until it's early. I was really exhausted, I got influenza and cough. But it didn't matter, it was such a precious experience :)

First scene is where we show the audience that they are best friends since they were babies.
And it takes so much time to finish that bloody first scene T____T
Anyway, I really into the process. It was
really tiring I know, but fun!!
we're taking the scenes from the last bell rings until it's time to pray Maghrib.
AND thank God we're not the only one group that haven't finished the assignment yet, it's the whole school actually. Yes, we all haven't finished the assignment...
So we barely go back to the dorm, we even having our dinner at canteen. That was so unforgettable, wasn't it?

But it wasn't always fun, for god's sake it really tested my patience when we have to re-shoot the scene over again. it's my fault too, I know hehehe.
For the example is when we're taking the "accepting the national exam results" scene.
we start the shooting process at mmm
at four maybe, and we waste so much useless time 'till it's twilight.

Hmm, the most incredible feeling is when we finished the last scene. It was like, Oh my God, we're finish? is this it? no more shooting? no more sleepless night? (it wasn't sleepless at all, hyperbole ehehe) Gosh, that was so relieving! :D

Hmmm, the final is the editing process. It was Fauzan's main duty, but we tried to help.
by the way there was little problem whe
n Fauzan wants to burned the movie to DVD, actually I was so panic because the next day is the deadline. But thank God, the problem solved.

And we give the assignment on time :)

Oh, by the way this is my team: