Saturday, November 7, 2009

About My School Life

Hmm, honestly... I'm not a good writer. But, I'll try hehe

Let's start from the very first. I even not expecting my self to be the part of this superb school, I don't have any idea of being here. But, yeah I'm here, in this extraordinarily amazing (or tiring maybe) school.

Now, I'm asking you, if you are a high school student, how many school days do you have in a week?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then you're freeee as a bird. Right?
Interest to know mine? I'll let you know!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and I'm free as a.... what? no, no, no!
Not yet!
oh holy yes, I still have Saturday to spent.

My class is X3, so let's take a look at our schedule:
1. Full Chemistry on Monday
2. Sociology, ICT, English, and History on Tuesday.
3. Full Biology on Wednesday.
4. Math and art class on Thursday.
5. Music class, English, ICT, and IMTAQ on Friday.
6. Full Physics on Saturday.

Monday is... FYI I never hate Monday before, I think it's what we call "automatically". It is like when you wake up in the morning, all you think is glass of milk and watching TV, but the fact is you have to wake up, take a bath, trying to be high-spirited, go to school, and spent almost a week there. Hhh, now back to Monday! let's see, it is chemistry on Monday. My chemistry teacher is Ms. Evi. She's a very strict teacher, we're not allowed to join her class if we're late even if it's just some seconds late. So every time the sirens ring (it is real siren, I cannot name it as a bell haha) we have to run to reach the class or she will close the door for us! But the point is, she just want us to be discipline and responsible, that's all.

Tuesday, Ah! I forgot to mentioned Jujitsu! yes, we're practicing Jujitsu every Tuesday and Friday. It is fun and yet tiring, Gosh the hardest part is stretching, I can't bend my back in those crazy way, I even can't touch my toes easily huhuhu Hmm, we have soft science on Tuesday, so we can relaxed a bit, a bit, yeah. Actually having four chapters for 1 test isn't a kind of "a bit relaxing" ehehe :p We learn Sociology with Mr. Rusman, ICT with Mr. Kamal, English with Mrs. Dessy, and History with Mrs. Nani. However, whatever the subject is we have to do our best, right? :)

Wednesday, Yeay! my favorite subject, Biology :) Oh ya, I haven't told you that we have two teachers in hard science subjects. One from the Surya Institute and the other is the additional teacher, as our guidance if we can't proceed the subject well. My Surya Institute Biology teacher is Mrs. Indri, she's so kind and very patient in teaching us. And our guidance Biology teacher is Mrs. Maya, she likes to give us some jokes so it won't be too tiring for us studying about the same subject in about.... 8 hours?

Thursday, oh yeah it's Math... frankly I want to tell you that I always get sleepy on this subject and I always feel guilty to my teacher Mr. Baskoro. He is Surya Institute's teacher, and my guidance teacher is Mr. Zainuddin, we usually call him Mr. Jay haha AHA I have a good news actually hihi first time since I was in this school... I GOT PERFECT SCORE ON MATH. Oh God, this is miracle. I got it on math logic, it's not too hard I know, but still... :D

Oh yeah everybody is singing Thank God It's Friday by RAN. Me? Of course I always thank God for new day, but not because tomorrow is a free day :(
*pause. Unimportant actually, but it is 1 in the morning hehe
hmm, I've told you about ICT and English before. So what I haven't told you is Music and IMTAQ. Our music teacher is Mr. Deden, he teaches us music very well, I love music, I love to sing, but the theory hmm maybe I need more time :p
Then there's IMTAQ, we have it on the end of Friday, our teacher is Mr. Rahman, he's kind of strict one, we sometimes scared of him but only if he's angry. He always teaching us to brace our faith and intelligent up, so we can be succeed on life and afterlife.

Weekend? Not yet!

Finally, the last day!
Saturday is so unexpectedly mmm boring? uhuhu I didn't mean to say that, but I accustomed to being free on Saturday, waking up late, and having a lazy morning on my bed. But now, Physics waiting! My Physics teacher is Mr. Budhy and Mr. Adri, they have the same teaching style, I guess. Both of them, want us to understand the concept first. And I believe that it will successfully work, I just need to learn more from my teachers.

Well, that's my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (school) Life!
How about yours? ;)

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